Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bad news, I think...

Took Ellie to the boat ramp off Winsor Ave this morning. The site of the Original Riverfest, which had been prettied up and prepped for parking. Everything is gone. All the signs and the minikiosk. And the winter makes it look so, so, desolate.

Ellie didn't mind. She sauntered to the River and padded about on the ice rim, making satisfying crunching sounds. All the while, the geese and gulls were inching away and slipping into the frigid water. Seemed to be their usual routine. A man on the Walnut Street Bridge watched us all. We provide momentary entertainment for each other. All of us.

A few weeks back, we passed a stolen sign in the copse along the strand, further up towards the West Elmira Town Hall. It was precariously hanging from a tree next to an impromptu platform. Almost forming a wall to what perhaps could become a treehouse. I reported it to the Water Board, in hopes of getting it started on the road to restoration.

But winter is always like this in the City of Elmira. Must be everyone gives up on all things non-winter. And the boat-ramp is probably non-winter.

I hope that's all it is. What a shame our sites could look so looted. I'll keep you posted.

Little Pond